Network upgrade for Ubuntu desktops (Recommended)
You can easily upgrade over the network with the following procedure.
1. Start System/Administration/Update Manager.
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Network upgrade for Ubuntu desktops (Recommended)
You can easily upgrade over the network with the following procedure.
1. Start System/Administration/Update Manager.
Here’s something I used earlier.. Connecting to Remote Linux Desktop via SSH with X11 Forwarding by Forrest Sheng Bao There are two advantages of Linux, compared with many other operating systems, such as Windows and Mac OS X. The first advantage is the ultimate B/S architecture. Thus, everything software is either a server or …
Continue reading “X11 forwarding and SSH for remote linux / ubuntu desktop”
Here is a blog post I have referred to a number of times recently in my adventures with Ubuntu. Synaptic? deb? sudo? apt? Damn! I still remember when I first installed Ubuntu (my first encounter with Linux). But God bless Google, Ubuntu Forums, a few other resources and Blogs. Things became easier than I thought. …
Re: How to make directories writable? Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal Type: sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/lampp/ for example or sudo chmod -R (for recursive ((don’t type this))) 755 is a bit safer as it does not allow a folder to be world writable. What that’d look like without my mess is: sudo chmod -R …
Continue reading “How to make directories writable in Ubuntu or most other distribs”
Ubuntu Unleashed: Howto: Install Safari on Ubuntu with Flash and Shockwave Hulu, Youtube, Shockwave Works. I’m using this guide to get Safari going under ubuntu and wine to test a website i’m working on for standards compliance. .. .. It does seem that installing the fonts is neccessary and that you may have ot change …