X11 forwarding and SSH for remote linux / ubuntu desktop

Here’s something I used earlier.. Connecting to Remote Linux Desktop via SSH with X11 Forwarding by Forrest Sheng Bao http://fsbao.net There are two advantages of Linux, compared with many other operating systems, such as Windows and Mac OS X. The first advantage is the ultimate B/S architecture. Thus, everything software is either a server or …

How to make directories writable in Ubuntu or most other distribs

Re: How to make directories writable? Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal Type: sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/lampp/ for example or sudo chmod -R (for recursive ((don’t type this))) 755 is a bit safer as it does not allow a folder to be world writable. What that’d look like without my mess is: sudo chmod -R …

Ubuntu Unleashed: Howto: Install Safari on Ubuntu with Flash and Shockwave Hulu, Youtube, Shockwave Works

Ubuntu Unleashed: Howto: Install Safari on Ubuntu with Flash and Shockwave Hulu, Youtube, Shockwave Works. I’m using this guide to get Safari going under ubuntu and wine to test a website i’m working on for standards compliance. .. .. It does seem that installing the fonts is neccessary and that you may have ot change …