It is as if you were doing work Press Kit

It is as if you were doing work Press Kit Play It is as if you were doing work in your browser (probably not mobile-friendly, sorry) The basics Developer: Pippin Barr Release: 5th of July, 2017, 11:00 EST Platform: Browser (probably mobile-unfriendly) Code repository: Price: $0.00 Description The robots are here! No more work! It’s great! Is it great?! Wait! …

Sony’s “Fat Princess” Makes Internet Upset

Bloggers are angry! Feminist bloggers! They’re not up in arms about the unrealistic physical proportions of digital women or on-the-go near pedophilia this time, they’re upset about the concept of Sony’s PlayStation Network release Fat Princess. The cutesy 32-player hack and slash sees a rotund royal being overfed by the enemy, making her rescue and …