On goes the continuing SSL drama. With Godaddy not providing easy (any) access to Let’sEncrypt certificates from their Cpanel, life.. is .. annoying. I followed this very helpful guide https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh + script to get SSL up on https://craigryder.com before attempting it with my more important domains. It works, except I didn’t add the www when I:
Example 1: Single domain.
acme.sh --issue -d example.com -w /home/wwwroot/example.com
What I should have done was:
Example 2: Multiple domains in the same cert.
acme.sh --issue -d example.com -d www.example.com -d cp.example.com -w /home/wwwroot/example.com
Well. This post is a bit of a mess.. I’m currently following up with the info from the link below in order to set my default domains in search console.
Source: How to setup Google Analytics and Google Search Console/Webmaster Tools – Really Simple SSL
More on this later when I finish up other stuff that’s not getting done while I’m writing this..;)