The Shoddy Science Behind Mind Uploading – The Startup – Medium

Jayne Williamson-Lee Follow Science writer. Exploring the social implications of new technologies. Oct 17 The Shoddy Science Behind Mind Uploading How outdated views of the mind are driving the movement to digitize our minds. Many are devoting part of their life insurance toward the prospect of outwitting their death. They are entrusting their bodies — or for …

There’s a New Possible Explanation for the Weird Light Behavior of the ‘Alien Megastructure’ Star

 NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle IN BRIEF Researchers from the University of Antioquia in Columbia proposed a new explanation for the weird light behavior of the so-called “Alien Megastructure” star. It seems a ringed-exoplanet the size of Neptune might be the cause. IRREGULAR DIPS A team of scientists led by Mario Sucerquia at the University of Antioquia (UdeA) in Colombia have …

We Will Extend Our Lives but Not Attain Immortality, Says Anti-Aging Researcher

We Will Extend Our Lives but Not Attain Immortality, Says Anti-Aging Researcher  Pixabay IN BRIEF Eric Verdin, a world-leading researcher on aging, recently shared what he has learned about the future of growing old. While Verdin views immortality as a fairy tale, he said that many promising methods for extending life are being studied. THE …

New Method To Make Ethanol Out Of Carbon Dioxide | IFLScience

New Method To Make Ethanol Out Of Carbon Dioxide35 SharesShare on FacebookShare on TwitterTechnologyNew Method To Make Ethanol Out Of Carbon DioxideAlfredo CarpinetiBy Alfredo Carpineti20/06/2017, 20:19Ethanol is one of the most important biofuels used in the world and researchers could soon reduce its impact on the environment significantly.Thanks to a new technique, ethanol could soon …