Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa Said To Be Vulnerable To This New Attack

Virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa etc. are said to be vulnerable to a new attack through which hackers could easily hack your device. Dolphins inspire scientists The method, dubbed DolphinAttack, takes advantage of the fact that human ears are useless when confronted with sounds well above 20 kHz. So the team added an …

It is as if you were doing work Press Kit

It is as if you were doing work Press Kit Play It is as if you were doing work in your browser (probably not mobile-friendly, sorry) The basics Developer: Pippin Barr Release: 5th of July, 2017, 11:00 EST Platform: Browser (probably mobile-unfriendly) Code repository: Price: $0.00 Description The robots are here! No more work! It’s great! Is it great?! Wait! …

Seriously.. not horsing around..

Another funny link submitted by a friend.. funny/tragic.. it’s all the same Note: As far as you know, the Craig Ryders represented on this site do not condone the use of drugs.